Help very deserving Ugandan Catholic youth alumni of our Youth Building Peace Program attend World Youth Day 2022 in Portugal! The youth will attend catechisms programs, celebrate Mass and adoration together with Pope Francis, and meet other Catholic youth from around the world.
We are raising funds for 12 youth and 2 youth chaplain priests to attend WYD 2022. The pilgrimage will cost $2,000 per participant, which is more than the average income of a Ugandan for one year. Won’t you help these very faithful youth experience this wonderful once in a life time opportunity to grow in faith and experience our global church? Be a part of St Francis’ call to build up our Catholic community of faith.
Learn more about World Youth Day 2022 from our pilgrim partner JMJ Youth Pilgrimages!
In December 2015, 20 youth alumni of the Youth Building Peace Leadership program gathered for the day to reflect on the theme “There is no peace without justice, and there is no justice without forgiveness” St. Pope John Paul II. We discussed Humanae Viatae and Laudato Si in their current context. As well, it was a beautiful day of reconnecting for the young Catholic leaders. The retreat day was held at the new John Paul II Justice and Peace Centre building in their main hall. We ended the day with Mass said by Fr Tony Wach, S.J., one of the founders and board directors of the Centre.

In 2009 and again in 2010, 72 young adult Catholic leaders gathered for a dynamic experiential two-week justice and peace leadership program. During the camp they learned about and lived the principles of Catholic social teaching and developed communication, conflict mediation, team building and planning skills. They also learned about various saints and peace makers, such as Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St Francis, Servant of God Dorothy Day, St John Bosco, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, William Wilberforce, Emmanuel Yeboah, and Noble Peace Prize Winner Wangari Maathai.
2009 Youth Building Peace Program

2010 Youth Building Peace Program