Ocer Campion Jesuit College in Gulu district has 600 plus students with one-third students on scholarship. St Joseph College, a Franciscan high school in Tororo district has 150 students with nearly all students on partial or full scholarship. Most of their parents are farmers struggling to eke out a livelihood and unable to pay for education. The government fails to provide options if you don’t live within walking distance of a school, which most of these students do not. We are seeking to support 12 students (3 @Ocer Campion + 9 @St Joseph). Currently we have raised funds for only 6 students. Will you help us reach our goal of 6 more students? We also support girls to get back to school after an unplanned pregnancy in which they are forced to leave school, even if the child came from rape. We have FOUR female students that we sponsors currently who are young mothers. This includes cost of feeding the young child and supporting the grandmother, great grandmother, or auntie that is caring for the child in their absence. The cost is $250 per term for fees, boarding, personal requirements, and food for the child. Will you help one of our young mothers? In addition, we support the Little Sisters of St Francis to complete their A-level courses (post high school), which ensures they have an opportunity to study for a Bachelor’s at University. Without educating the young Sisters, the religious cannot lead the way to helping others grow and be healthy. Will you help Sr. Mary Jackline take another step in her educational journey? Without your generous support these youth would be growing up without an education. Catholic education is key to helping children become fully who God desires them to be and leading families out of poverty. Only $50 per month, or $200 per term, or $600 for the year helps ensure one more youth is able to reach his or her dreams. You can make a transformative difference in their lives and that of their families. Collectively, we bring a brighter and more faith filled future to all in Uganda. Will you help one of these students reach their dreams? |

For our younger students in Lira attending public primary day school (see photo below) there are still many personal requirements that are out of reach for the parents including school uniforms, sturdy shoes, socks, books, paper, pencils, pens and markers, and rulers. We also provide these 12 children with boarding and three meals a day at the YOUFRA Youth Centre in Lira town. We are seeking $100 per term for each child. Their parents are former abductees whose lives and education was interrupted when they were captured and dragged into the bush, forced to fight for and support the Lord’s Resistance Army.

While the conflict has been over for 17 years, the parents have yet to recover fully emotionally, educationally, socially, and especially financially. Through the Young Franciscan (YOUFRA) Centre we are working diligently to help the parents redeem and reclaim their hopes and dreams for families and a good future. The Centre offers counseling, spiritual development, and livelihood training for these parents. As well, the Centre staff is working diligently to ensure their children have access to quality education.
Will you give something today to help these children have a good future? Will you help right an injustice done to their parents?