We are thrilled to provide for our Christmas dinner program once again to struggling families, children, elderly and disabled individuals in Uganda. Our goal is to raise Christmas dinners for 60 families and two children’s Christmas parties. A gift of $25 buys meat, rice, Matoke or potatoes, vegetables, Christmas cake, and sodas for a family of four. (See photos below.)
We connect with families through our partners Children’s Community Care, the Xaverians, YOUFRA Youth Centre Lira, YOUFRA Disabilities group Soroti, YOUFRA Youth Centre Tororo, St Joseph College, and the John Paul II Justice & Peace Youth Leaders Network.
A good Christmas in Uganda is to attend Church followed by a dinner feast all together that includes eating meat. Children look forward to this day all year long. Will you join us to bless a family, children or seniors who otherwise would have a meager Christmas celebration with joy, love and hope for the new year?
We have gathered 36 dinners and need 24 more to reach our goal! Will you help us bless 60 families with a Christmas Dinner gift?
Thank you for your generous hearts!
Have a blessed, holy Advent journey and merry Christmas! Laura, Founder of eChange Endeavors