May we all contemplate during this Octave of Easter the beauty and mystery of Christ’s Resurrection!
During this Easter season will you help us to transform the lives of these children and their future?

Give a Hand Home For nearly two decades Gertrude Aketch has been taking orphans in to her home from her community in Tororo. She has gathered donations, grown crops, and partnered with local schools, like St Jospeh College to see that these children are fed, loved and receive a good education. She has even managed to push a few through university and one on to the seminary. To help with stability for the children she is seeking to start a bee keeping business on their land. This will create on-going reliable income for the home and children. Plus provide the region with essential honey and bees wax candles. We are seeking $600 to help them get started with their first 4 hives, gear, and flower field. Will you join us this Easter season to raise $600 to launch a Bee Business for the children’s future? Donate Today! |