Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Thank you for your prayers and donations. Together we made a wonderful impact this year!

Thanks to your generous support we helped 13 students complete another year of high school, 2 students start university studying education and medicine, and a dozen primary children with boarding, food, clothing, mattresses, blankets, and medical aid.  

We helped YOUFRA train 24 young adults in shoe making, and provided counseling in two different villages for 25 young men and women, former war abductees. We also raised funds to build a chicken house for the Youth Centre in the new year!

We helped sponsor the Xaverian youth program in December that hosted 415 youth from the Kampala Dioceses at Chiro Camping site.

We helped Community Children’s Care and other families with medical issues and emergencies, including a brain injury and Hepatitis C that kept two fathers in their 30s alive.  These fathers are beginning to work and provide for their families once again.

Thank you for all the love and charity you have shown these families. We are helping to transform lives, families, the Church in Uganda and the country.

May you all have a blessed and beautiful 2023!!!​