Classroom Building Renovations are Finished!!

Thanks to American Martyrs Catholic Church in Manhattan Beach, two generous individual givers, and UK partner FOAG we were able to raise $22,000 to renovate the main classroom building at St Joseph College in Tororo, Uganda. The roof had been blown off during Holy Week this year leaving the classrooms unusable. The school scrambled to create four make shift classrooms to finish the first term, then go a second whole term while construction was underway. We reached out to our partners and friends for help and the response was great!

With the funds we were able to redesign and build a fresh the roof structure to make it more durable for the long-haul. We extending the roof out to include a proper verandah with much needed space in the raining seasons. We replaced all the rotted wooden doors and windows with new metal and class ones. We re-poured the foundation, reconfigured the classroom layouts, wired the building for lights and technology, added ceiling boards, re-plastered the walls inside and out, finished the floors, and painted the whole building. When possible students were able to learn and get involved in some of the construction too! The building looks fresh and fabulous! Students, teacher, parents and community members are thrilled to have the revitalized space!

Thank you to all our generous donors for making this project possible! The school is back to operating fully and students are actively preparing for end of year national exams.

Summer Evening of Dancing!

Win great prizes in our raffle — gift certificates to restaurants, manicure/pedicures, bundles of beauty, food, wine, and more!!

Tickets are $5 or 6 for $25 (one book). You can purchase at the Dance OR online, OR email us at For online purchases use our red donate button and specify in the reference for the raffle. Make sure to give an email and phone number. We will follow-up with you.

Can’t make the event? You can help us to reach our goal of $5,000 for Scholarships by donating today! These students would not be attending high school, vocational college or university if we didn’t step in to fill the gap. Join us in transforming their lives and that of their communities.

We had a very fun night of dancing! Thank you to all of you who joined us on the dance floor or supported from a far. We raised $2,000 for scholarships thanks to the event sponsorship, donations and event funds with $800 coming from the raffle. We hope you can join us again next summer. To support our scholarship program donate here!

Event Sponsors:

Raffle Sponsors:

Chef Hannes Restaurant

Lido Di Manhattan Restaurant

Coyote Cafe Restaurant

Becky Stout MacIntyre Dance Instruction

Mary Hornickel @The Wellness Company

Autumn Granath Manicure/Pedicures @Merle Norman

Frances Nails @Manhattan Beach

St. Joseph’s College Needs a New Roof!

During holy week this year a big storm blew through Tororo Uganda and took the roof off St. Joseph College’s main classroom building. Leaving students and teachers quite alarmed and exposed. They are currently renting a hall at a guest house near the campus to make up for the lost classroom. St. Joseph College is already busting at the seam with 140 students from Senior 1 through Senior 4 and a P7 class. The missing roof has exasperated the problem and the exposed walls and building to more damage.

We are stepping in to help raise $20,000 to replace the full roof and other necessary renovations to the foundation, walls, windows, and doors. Will you join us to help these youth stay in school getting a good catholic education?

Donate today!

Thank you American Martyrs parish and FOAG for stepping in to help! Construction of the new roof begins this week. We are still seeking funds to help replace the windows and doors, paint, and provide much needed solar power for the school. Join hands with us and donate today!

Construction has begun. Stay tuned for more.

High Tea for High Hope

You are invited for High Tea at Williams Place

Saturday, May 20th, 3-5pm

Hosted by Michelle Waters Williams & Laura Frederick

R.S.V.P. by May 18th

Life in Uganda is hard. After two decades of conflict, difficult repatriation, a global pandemic that resulted in further economic hardships, severe weather shifts–too much to too little rain destroying crops most people in northern Uganda are battered and desperate. YOUFRA (Young Franciscans) steered by Sr. Margaret Awor, LSOSF, and her team are working to help counsel and reconcile families, guide faith formation, improve livelihoods, and ensure the next generation of children don’t also miss out on education. We are stepping into help YOUFRA members and their families renew their hope and faith in God and life.

Join us May 20th for High Tea and hear Laura Frederick, Founder of eChange Endeavors, share stories of the lives that have been touched by our support. Laura has been working in Uganda since 2000 and lived there between 2006 to 2011.

We are seeking to raise $14,500 for the YOUFRA Youth Centre in Lira to renovate the building and facilitate greater program delivery. Funds will be used to refurbish the outdoor bathrooms (showers and toilet) at the Centre as well as much needed basic repairs to the building, plus purchase furniture (tables, chairs, and beds) along with materials and facilitation for programs. These improvements will enable YOUFRA to host retreats and trainings for 25-150 young adults in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s at a time. Having a place to take a break from home to sing, pray, laugh, learn and connect with other youth renews their hearts, minds and dreams and builds skills among the youth. Retreats are focused on the Sacraments, spiritual formation, and strengthening families. Trainings cover topics such as shoe making, hair styling, baking, farming, communication, team building, financial management, and beyond. Will you join us and make a gift of $100 to $1,000 or more today?

Donate Now!!

We have reached $9,300 towards our goal of $14,500. Could you help us bridge the gap?

Join hands with us today and give to help this community recover from two decades of civil war. Through counseling, livelihood and life skill training we are helping a generation of youth reclaim their lives. We support former child abductees of the Lord’s Resistance Army who lost their opportunity to education and now economically disadvantaged in the community to thrive and provide for their families. Donate Now!

The new L – shaped design will have 6 toilets with two basins each for the ladies and gents, plus 5 shower stalls. A clean, beautiful and modern look for the area. We are reusing all the bricks we can in the innovations. We are refurbishing the toilet doors for new shower stall doors. Moving the solar water heater that hasn’t been used from the other-side of the center to install on the bathroom to provide warm piped water. We are making use of paint that helps repel mosquitoes to reduce chances of malaria. This will be a great inspiration for the whole community as well as having a functional benefit.

Donate Now!!

Donate Now!!

Happy Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs!

Shrine of the Ugandan Martyr’s – Feast Day Mass

Greetings Friends, 

On this the Feast of the Uganda Martyrs, June 3rd, I wish you a blessed day and year! Thank you for all the ways you support the Catholic Missionaries and families in Uganda. Your prayers are invaluable to me and for them. Your financial support is catalytic. You have kept people from falling into abject poverty. You have helped them realize more fully who God made them to be. You have kept hope alive! You have shared God’s love and mercy. You have helped families set a new pathway in life. 

In 2022 alone, Ossana, Leah, Mary, Mark and many other students are back in high school. Gerald was able to buy a laptop and has initiated his online studies in Biology/PreMed with a university in Washington State. Joseph, Esther, Sharon and many young children have been assisted with much needed, even critical healthcare and treatments. Families have kept going because of food aid. Twenty youth learned to make beautiful sandals to wear or sell for additional income. Hearts have been uplifted through the spiritual programs offered through our partners. 

You have blessed so many lives. May God also richly bless you! Laura

Christmas Dinners

Would you consider donating $25 to cover the cost of Christmas dinner for one family in Uganda?

Gerald Ogenrwot, Grandmother, Brother & Family

We had such a positive response to our Christmas dinner initiative last year by both the giving and receiving families, we have decided to do it again this year!

Life continues to be hard in Uganda. Schools were shut down again in June and still not yet been allowed to open again. This has left many at home with not enough to do.  Teenage pregnancies have soared in the country. The weather went from too much rain in 2020 to too little rain in 2021 further destroying crops. The President and administration continue to shutdown markets and business activities, despite minimal cases and few deaths from COVID. Economic problems abound causing a ripple effect of despair and discouragement.  In this season of hope, you can spread God’s love and mercy with a small gift of $25 for one family.  

We want 50 families to experience the unexpected joy of Christmas this year.  Families with special needs children, as well as teachers, students, widows, orphans, and individuals with disabilities.

To have a good Christmas in Uganda is to attend Church followed by a dinner feast together that includes meat. Children look forward to this day all year long. Without our support this year shall be just another meal of beans and portio (corn meal).

Just $25 will buy 1 chicken (or equivalent beef/goat), plus rice, additional sides, sodas to share, and Christmas cake for a family of five to eight.

Will you help us bless 50 families with a Christmas Dinner gift?

We have already received contributions for 10 Christmas Dinners!  

May God bless you and your family this Christmas season for unto us the Christ child is born ever new in our hearts!

“O give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his love endures for ever.”  

Psalm 107:1

Catholic Scouts Chiro Camp

Fr. Ceasar Matuvo, Camp Director & Scout Chaplain

The Catholic Boys Scouts in Uganda is one of the few youth organizations in the country that provides youth development for anyone. Through the Scouts youth have the opportunity to learn loads of skills such as setting up tents, tying knots, first aid, sourcing safe water, proper sanitation in the wild or at home, cooking, science and care of the nature, as well as leadership and team building.  Skills they desperately need for a productive and cooperative life at home, work or in the community.  

Fr. Ceasar Matuvo has been working for 10 years to develop Chiro Camp along Lake Victoria in Masaka district of Uganda.  The land was donated by the Archdiocese of Kampala.  With the help various donors, hard work and tenacity on the part of Fr. Ceasar, George K., George M. and other scout leaders and troops they have built a main hall, a few bungalows, and limited water and sanitation infrastructure. They are in need of quality tents that sleep 3, 6 or 8 campers, which are two season and can endure the heavy rains. We are currently seeking $2400 for tents and additional $1200 for additional equipment for the kitchen and training hall.

Chiro Camp hosts about 300 youth each quarter between the Scouts and the Xaverians, a local Catholic youth service organization. You can enable a multitude of youth to have a fun and educational camp experience with just $25, $50 or more. Help make the future of Uganda better. Give Today!

Endeavors Circle

Join us as we launch a monthly giving circle to share our blessings.  We are called to build up the Body of Christ, the Church.  At eChange Endeavors we do this by supporting widows, single parents, orphans and those with disabilities either directly or through local Catholic institutions. We seek to leverage previous investments made in education, personal development or institutional capacities to ensure those at risk won’t fall by the wayside. Together we are helping to transform problems into opportunities inspiring hope and strengthening community!

We help hardworking mothers such as Gloria to ensure they can provide for their children. When she needed a hip replacement surgery due to an accident, we stepped in to help. We also supported Pascal to finish University after his Mother died and his Father was no longer able to generate enough income for both him and his younger brother who was still attending high school. When Esther’s husband died, we assisted with food and helped her start a micro business. Later when the eldest reached high school we helped with the higher fees. We have given a small grant to Children’s Community Care to finish a classroom for children with mental disabilities so that mothers would have a safe, clean, and stimulating environment in which to leave their children while they went to work in the street markets.

We also raise funds for OcerCampion Jesuit College both scholarships and an additional housing for international volunteers to work at the school. We are seeking resources for technology and textbooks for St Athanasius Primary School, which serves mostly poor families living in the slums of Kampala. St. Elizabeth’s Home & Vocational Institute rescues young women from the streets, trafficking and prostitution.  We are seeking to raise funds for a solar solution and sewing machines so that local money collected can feed and support more women. We are seeking to help rural health clinics diversify their service capabilities to create a more sustainable model. None of these good works would be possible without your generous support over time.

So join us today and become part of our circle of giving to ensure we can say YES to helping our brothers and sisters in Uganda when we receive their requests. To join simply click on our DONATE button that will take you to a PayPal payment page. You can pay via PayPal, credit or debit card. Just make sure to tick the box for re-occurring payments and your giving will be automatically processed each month.

$10/month enables an entrepreneur to start or grow a microenterprise

$20/month enables young adults to participate in Catholic youth camps

$25/month provides one teacher with a mini-laptop

$30/month supports a student in primary school

$50/month provides a small grant to a health clinic or partner

Thank you for becoming part of our Endeavors Circle of love and hope in the world!