Would you consider donating $25 to cover the cost of Christmas dinner for one family in Uganda?

We had such a positive response to our Christmas dinner initiative last year by both the giving and receiving families, we have decided to do it again this year!
Life continues to be hard in Uganda. Schools were shut down again in June and still not yet been allowed to open again. This has left many at home with not enough to do. Teenage pregnancies have soared in the country. The weather went from too much rain in 2020 to too little rain in 2021 further destroying crops. The President and administration continue to shutdown markets and business activities, despite minimal cases and few deaths from COVID. Economic problems abound causing a ripple effect of despair and discouragement. In this season of hope, you can spread God’s love and mercy with a small gift of $25 for one family.
We want 50 families to experience the unexpected joy of Christmas this year. Families with special needs children, as well as teachers, students, widows, orphans, and individuals with disabilities.
To have a good Christmas in Uganda is to attend Church followed by a dinner feast together that includes meat. Children look forward to this day all year long. Without our support this year shall be just another meal of beans and portio (corn meal).
Just $25 will buy 1 chicken (or equivalent beef/goat), plus rice, additional sides, sodas to share, and Christmas cake for a family of five to eight.
Will you help us bless 50 families with a Christmas Dinner gift?
We have already received contributions for 10 Christmas Dinners!
May God bless you and your family this Christmas season for unto us the Christ child is born ever new in our hearts!
“O give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his love endures for ever.”
Psalm 107:1