Educational Partners
Eastside High School

Sr. Margaret Mary Awor, LSOSF, the National Director of the Young Franciscans, is bringing new life to Eastside High School for disadvantage youth in the eastern district of Tororo in Uganda. Eastside High School with a Franciscan spirituality is providing youth with the opportunity to gain a quality Catholic education. With new computers we assisted them in acquiring students will be able to learn basic computer skills and begin to explore careers in engineering, design, and analytics. And yet the families in the area, predominately small holder farmers living on 2-5 acres of land are unable to cover the school fees for their children. With your student scholarship support of $50/month or $600/year you can provide a sponsorship opportunity and help one needy family change the course of their lives for ever.
Ocer Campion Jesuit College
A Jesuit secondary school in Gulu, Northern Uganda, Ocer Campion Jesuit College works to give the youth a second chance at education. This school has become a beacon of hope and light for a better future for a region recovery from two decades of war and violence.
We assist the school director with fundraising efforts and strive to provide scholarship aid to students. For only $50/month or $600/year you can help transform the life of one of these students and their family. In addition, we helped to complete the new Jesuit house, making available a smaller house for international volunteers generously giving their time and skills.
St. Athanasius Primary School
St. Athanasius Primary School, founded in 1973 by the community of St. Balikuddembe parish, was established for the purposes of educating children of the poverty-stricken families living in the slums of Kampala, some of whom are orphans.
The noble mission of the school is to help eradicate illiteracy and poverty in the community and provide a ray of hope for a better future for these vulnerable children. We helped them acquire additional textbooks, laptops for teachers, and a multi-use photocopier and printer for the school. We would like to assist them with $2,500 in additional funds for more textbooks and technology for teachers and the students.
St. Elizabeth’s Girls Home & Vocational Institute
Founded by Sister Catherine Akiiki, St. Elizabeth’s Girls Home & Vocational School is located in Mengo-Kisyeni, a neighborhood of Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. In partnership with the Good Samaritan Sisters, who help rescue girls from the streets, domestic servitude, prostitution and human trafficking, St. Elizabeth’s helps restore the dignity of these wanted girls.
The school strives to equip these girls with vocational skills, such as catering, tailoring and computer skills, and sources of livelihood which they can use to support themselves or return to their families. While there are several organizations around Kampala that take in boys, this is the only program in Kampala that actively reaches out to girls. We have been working to help provide them with $3,000 to access to solar power and industrial equipment for student classes.
Social Development Partners
Catholic Boy Scouts of Uganda
Uganda Scouts Association provides a program for young boys and girls that builds character, develops personal well being, and trains the youth in the responsibilities of participatory citizenship, as well as camping and outdoor skills. For over a century, the Uganda Scouts Association has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. Uganda Scouts Association believes and knows first hand that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.

We are currently seeking $5000 to help complete critical infrastructure for Chiro Camp along with solar power, kitchen equipment and tents.
Community Children’s Care
Community Children’s Care was launched in 2015 by a group of mother’s all with children having special needs. The women came together to support one another in the care of their children, to raise resources for the special treatments, and to create a safe place for the children to be during the day interacting with other children at a regular school. The group also works to build awareness in the community at the beautiful gift these children are from God as many believe that they are the result of a curse. Sadly, the women and their family members are then ostracized in the community. By coming together as a single voice and collaborating with other educators and students in the area they are helping to transform the attitudes of the community one person at a time.
We are currently seeking $1000 to help pay for on-going medical treatments, transportation, and extra care giving help, acquire special therapy equipment, develop income generating activities and support community awareness efforts.
St. John Paul II Justice & Peace Centre
The JPII Justice & Peace Centre was started by a consortium of Catholic missionary congregations to create a greater impact on a more just and peaceful society in Uganda. They achieve this mission through research, training and advocacy efforts rooted in Catholic Social Teaching.

In partnership with the JPII Justice & Peace Centre, we work to develop youth leadership for those 18-25 years of age. Through our unique two-week program, youths build their skills in communication, team building, conflict resolution, and planning, as well as their knowledge and personal experience in Catholic spirituality and social teaching. We are seeking funding to send 12 of the youth and 2 priests to World Youth Day in Lisbon in July 2022.
Economic Development Partners
S7 College – S8
S7, an alternative vocational college in Kampala, Uganda, provided the opportunity for disadvantaged youth who don’t have the resources to attend university to gain knowledge and computer, entrepreneur and analytical skills. S7 developed and spun off three student-run businesses under the umbrella entity S8: an internet café, Jet, initiated in 2010; a food café, Little Donkey, opened in 2011; and an art gallery, launched in 2013.
great work keep it on dears
thank for the good work